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Te Whai HiringaWinning tricks

Dancers from Te Whai Hiringa put their best foot forward at Dance Fest 2024 in September, with each of the four teams placing – and one team (The Elite) taking out a win.

The festival was held at Havelock North Intermediate School, attracting entries from across the region.

Supported by their kaiako kaiwhina Cilla Tuala-Fata, the students, aged eight to 12, planned the choreography, practised their moves at least once a week for six months, and then hit the stage at the competition.

Year six student Moetu Tuala-Fata put the choreography together for her dance group, The Elite, which took the win. She said the most important thing was to come up with new steps that the team could use to show their skills. “I really like coming up with unique tricks.”

Cilla - dancer, teacher and Moetu’s auntie - supported the choreographers as they worked with their groups on the dance, and sorted their uniforms and hairstyles.  “We are very proud of them all; they really did our school proud.”





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