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Safety planters tell tamariki stories

The planter boxes outside of Te Whai Hiringa (formerly Peterhead School) have a very practical use – slowing traffic so children crossing the road are safer.

But they also tell important stories. Mentored by artist Darryl Thomson, tamariki developed the designs on all of the boxes. They were very clear about what they wanted, says tumuaki tuarua Lisa Morton.

“They wanted the art to reflect Flaxmere and its culture – to tell their story and the story of Pāharakeke; based on local whakapapa and school values.”

The students had multiple sessions with Thomson, who encouraged them to “draw big and be proud of their art; to see themselves as artists”. The boxes installed so far were designed by tamariki and painted by Thomson, with two more both designed and painted by the students still to be finished and installed.

A street-side gathering at the school in May celebrated the Hastings District Council Arakura road safety project, which saw road safety initiatives installed at schools across Flaxmere. The project was funded by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi’s Streets for People programme.


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