It’s November night market time
The second Flaxmere night market is almost upon us – on December 17th
, at the Flaxmere Village shopping centre from 5pm to 8pm.
The first market in October was a huge success and with all those who came along sharing the love with their friends, whanau and neighbours, this next one is expected to be even bigger.
Highlights included the prize grabs in the wind booth, entertainment, karaoke competition, late night shopping and food stalls, said Flaxmere Planning Committee chairman and event organiser Traci Tuimaseve.
The prizes will be just as good this time, says Flaxmere Pharmacy owner Tim Klingender. “We have another television, more Flaxmere funny money, and another grocery grab.”
As we head towards the big night, Flaxmere folk are being reminded to put their receipts in the competition boxes when they shop in the village (with their name and address on the back), to be in the draw to take a turn in the cash vault. “It is easy to enter – each of the participating village shops has a competition box on their counter, ready for your receipt,” said Mr Klingender. “On the night we whip around and collect them up and then draw out the names of the people who will go into the wind booth. You do have to be here on the night though. If we call your name and you’re not here, we will draw another name.”

Winner: Want to be as happy as our last Grocery Grab winner? Shop in Flaxmere Village, put your name and address on the back of your receipt, pop it in the competition box, and be there on the night: November 26, 5pm to 8pm.