Plan is done – let’s get cracking
December 2022
Our new Flaxmere Community Plan, led by the Flaxmere Planning Committee with community input and supported by Hastings District Council, is up and running.

Flaxmere Planning Committee chairman Traci Tuimaseve says it was a tricky time to review the previous plan, given the consultation fell in 2021, right at the height of the Covid pandemic. “Despite the challenges everyone was facing, we had good community engagement and are confident we have heard as many voices as possible.”
The official adoption of the plan means action can get underway. The delivery will be overseen by the planning committee, with the community encouraged to get involved with projects.
“The Flaxmere Planning Committee whole-heartedly supports our community’s vision and will continue to advocate for initiatives that inspire community pride, individual and family wellbeing, care for our vulnerable populations, nurture our younger generations, and promote a positive wholesome outlook on life. Our time is now. Let’s all get in behind this plan to achieve what we know this suburb can become. Kia kaha (be strong), kia maia (be brave), kia manawanui (be patient). We can do this together,” says Mr Tuimaseve.
The new three-year plan will undergo a mini-review each year, to ensure it continues to reflect the community’s aspirations.
Many of the actions in the plan, particularly those over the next three years, reflect the need for further services and facilities given the growing population. High on the priority list is more housing and improved shopping facilities (both already underway), continued development of parks, playgrounds and sporting facilities, improved road safety, and a focus on keeping Flaxmere’s streets and public spaces clean.
Mr Tuimaseve is keen to see the same level of success that has come out of previous Flaxmere community plans, which had seen vast improvements to Flaxmere Park, led to the development of the almost completed skate park, upgraded neighbourhood playgrounds, and increased services within the community.
You can read the plan at: