It's summer and the Flaxmere night markets are here!

This summer’s night markets have kicked off; showcasing our wonderful Flaxmere vibe and sending a family home from the market with a new 50” flat screen television. The first one was on October 26, with the next one scheduled for November 30.
Weather permitting, the markets are held on the last Thursday evening of the month, in Flaxmere Park from 5pm to 7.30pm, except in December when the market will be part of Christmas in the Park 2023 – running from 3pm to 8pm.
Your Flaxmere Planning Committee is the power behind the markets, and this year has a couple of other great fun nights on the calendar: Basketball and movies on December 9 and January 20, from 4pm to 7pm, in Flaxmere Park.
As always at the markets there will be heaps of entertainment, tons of stalls, and plenty of giveaways – including the grand TV prize.
Flaxmere Planning Committee co-chairman and event organiser Traci Tuimaseve says Flaxmere Park proved a great venue last year. “Spread the word everyone. The markets are always fantastic nights where we come together as a community and enjoy each other’s company.”