If there was a prize for most active suburb, we’d have to win it wouldn’t we?
June 2021
The number of programmes and activities in Flaxmere is growing every month, with PolyActive and skating just the latest ‘get moving’ activities added to the calendar.
On any given weekend morning, there are people on the tennis courts next to Te Kura o Kimi Ora and on basketball courts across Flaxmere; and kids are climbing playground equipment.
Of course, another 50-ish are out early on a Saturday, doing their five kilometre parkrun (walk, jog, run or canter) around Flaxmere Park.
Ask the Flaxmere Community Centre team for a list of physical activities they run for all ages and there is something for everyone, from Kaumatua SitFit, Kaumatua Strength and Balance, and Senior Badminton, to circuit classes, kickboxing classes and gutter board, as well AquaFit class at the Flaxmere Pools.
Add in activities run by other organisations in the centre, and you have Tai chi, line dancing, a Green Prescription programme, Active Families, Zumba for adults and Zumba for kids, CrossFit, indoor basketball, and pickle ball.
Based in the centre is the Flaxmere Boxing Academy, running boxing classes for all ages and stages.
Phew! And that doesn’t count the mums and bubs walking groups that are popping up across the suburb, or the games and physical activities in our schools, including Flaxmere College’s regular ki-o-rahi games on Flaxmere Park.
However active you want to be, and whatever your physical ability, there is something in Fabulous Flaxmere for you. For more information and contacts, start with the tea
