Here come the Night Markets

The dates are set, the good weather booked (hopefully!), the prizes sourced, and the entertainment all lined up.
The first of this season’s Night Markets, brought to you by your Flaxmere Planning Committee, will be on October 10, in Flaxmere Park, from 5pm to 7pm. There will be ‘heaps’ of food trucks, prizes and entertainment.
The following one will be on November 7, with the combo Night Market and Christmas in the Park extravaganza booked for December 14. On January 23 and February 13, the night markets will include outdoor movies, while the March market will be timed to include the Cancer Society’s annual Relay for Life.
Event organiser and Flaxmere Planning Committee chairman Traci Tuimaseve says the markets will be as exciting as ever. “We have heaps planned. It is such an awesome gathering of our community as we make the most of our beautiful park and the talents of our people – plus wonderful food.
“It’s the perfect opportunity to catch up with whānau and friends, and make the most of that extra sunshine we get with daylight saving kicking in. We can’t wait to see everyone there.”
Any postponements because of bad weather (the stage electrics and rain just don’t mix) will be on the committee’s FB page: MyFlaxmere