Hemi Wong
Hemi Wong has just finished his fourth year at Otago University in Dunedin where he is studying medicine specializing in neuroscience. When he finishes his degree, he hopes to return to Hawke's Bay to practice medicine.
Hemi is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Before attending Otago University, Hemi served a two year mission for the Church in the Philippines, where his father was born. Hemi says, his mission was a great learning and growing experience. He grew to love the people and felt that by sharing the gospel he was able to improve the lives of the families he met.
Hemi and his family have resided in Flaxmere for most of his life. He started school at Flaxmere Primary before attending Heretaunga Intermediate and Karamu High School. After a holiday internship with the Hawke's Bay DHB, Hemi was offered a scholarship to further his education in medicine and he hasn't looked back since. Dunedin took a little getting used to; where brown faces were few and far between. However, he's grown to love the the city and school and has managed to avoid the pitfalls of "scarfie" life by fostering friendships with students and locals who share his christian beliefs, values and principles.
Hemi comes from a musical and creative family who use those skills to support activities at church and in the Flaxmere community. Hemi himself was a finalist in the Homai te Pakipaki talent show a few years ago. In June this year Hemi was the recipient of the Te Rehutai Tangatahi Academic Success Award at the Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Living Taonga Matariki celebrations.
Hemi's family is very proud of him and his accomplishment and continue to support him, his sister and their cousins as they pursue their life dreams.
