Heads up (October)
Free outdoor karaoke
An ‘accidental’ outdoor karaoke night is going to be a regular, says Ka Pai Cuppa Teina owner Shelley Pritchard. On the edge of Flaxmere Park, near the teina, on the last Friday of every month. Just another way our Flaxmere Park keeps on getting more and more active!
T-ball comp
A primary school Year 7 and 8 T-ball competition is scheduled for November at Flaxmere’s new grass softball diamond on Ron Giorgi Park II, off Walton Way. Flaxmere Planning Committee co-chair and event organiser Donnette Dellow hopes the round-robin compeition will be held every year. “Getting the diamond has been a great collaborative effort between the Flaxmere Planning Committee and Flaxmere’s softball families, which pushed for the diamond, Hastings District Council, which installed it, and Sport Hawke’s Bay, which is helping us with the tournament.”
Hastings District Council advises that discussions with companies interested in constructing and running a supermarket in Flaxmere are on-going. Foodstuffs, which had the original contract, exited the site earlier this year. Council says the land set aside for a supermarket and associated businesses remains available for that purpose.
Fiafia Day
All things Pasifika are being celebrated on November 18, at Fiafia Day in Civic Square and Hastings Library, central Hastings, from noon till 4pm. All of our Pasifika communities will be there, sharing their culture, food and performance with our wider community. Brought to you by our Paskifika communities and Hastings Libraries, it is an extension of the nine Pasifika language weeks celebrated throughout the year.
Champions board
Give us your nominations for Flaxmere’s honours board in the Flaxmere Community Centre. Criteria are Flaxmere born and/or raised (10 years or more living in Paharakeke) and achieved international success or recognition in their sport, cultural, artistic or education endeavours. Keep them coming! Email: flaxmereplanningcommittee@gmail.com