FlaXrock 2s ready to explode
Full-on fitness is all go at the Flaxmere Community Centre’s FlaXrock Gym, with the third FlaXrock 2s event already in the planning.
The most recent event in March featured 21 teams comprised of one male and one female. Swimming, lifting, running, gymnastics and plyometrics were featured in the one day event. The next one, likely to be in November, will be even bigger and better, says event organiser Munro Waerea.
Based on his previous experience running similar events in Rotorua, the Flaxmere Community Centre fitness instructor is expecting “an explosion” in the number of teams, with interest already high from across the motu, including from Taupō, Rotorua, Tauranga and Gisborne.
“I think it will hit 50.”

FlaXrock 2s is supported by the Flaxmere Planning Committee and doubles as a fundraiser for gym gear. Over the two events so far just over $3500 had been raised. Munro is encouraging anyone ready to give it a go to call into the community centre to get on the training ladder.
“We want to bring awareness of health and fitness to Flaxmere, and show the calibre of the training that we can provide. FlaXrock 2s covers a whole range of exercises and in the training we place emphasis on technique and methodology.”
FlaXrock 2s is not the only new kid on the exercise block at the community centre. A JustLift ‘boot camp’ starts at the end of July, ahead of a powerlifting competition in September. The three competition lifts will be bench press, dead lift and back squat.
Olympic Weightlifting is also underway. Munro’s previous experience has seen him take multiple school students to Nationals where he had tremendous success, accruing numerous gold medals and national records, something he hopes to replicate in Flaxmere.
For those wanting exercise outside of those options, the community centre offers a huge range of classes, including Tai Chi, Explode circuit training and line dancing, while classes specifically for seniors include strength and balance, sit fit, and badminton. For more information or to register for classes, call in at the Flaxmere Community Centre, or email: Flaxmerecc@hdc.govt.nz