Families getting new homes
June 2021
Families will soon start building homes in Flaxmere’s newest streets, Korowai St and Whāriki Cres, after an official opening of the Tarbet St development in May.
As of this month 17 sections have been sold with the remaining five under contract. Work on 18 transitional housing units within the development started this month.
The opening of Tarbet St came as the work on homes in Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga’s Waingākau 123-home development containued, with five completed, the next three due to be built by the end of August, and six more in the consent and planning stages.
And it does not stop there. Infrastructure for another 35 homes to be built off Flaxmere Avenue is being installed, and Hastings District Council has endorsed a plan for 140 homes to be built on Council-owned land in central Flaxmere.
All of the homes must be built from quality materials (brick, tile and aluminium) and, to ensure they go to those who need them, the buyers of the sections must build within 12 months of purchase and live in the home for a minimum of five years.
The comprehensive housing plan, developed in 2019 to address the severe housing shortage across Hastings, has buy-in across a broad range of Government agencies, non-profit entities, iwi and hapū groups, and Hastings District Council. The plan won a national award last week, for its collaborative approach to what is New Zealand’s biggest challenge – a shortage of homes.
