Christmas planning underway
And just as well as it’s only seven weeks away!
While details are yet to be finalised and will be released closer to the time, it will be held in West Flaxmere this year. It will be a double celebration this year, with Flaxmere West’s Community Plan being officially launched at the same event.
Headlined ‘Growing Strong Tamariki’, the plan has been put together by West Flaxmere residents working to fulfil the vision: “A healthy, working community full of great opportunities for all’.
The timing is perfect, says Flaxmere Planning Committee chairman Traci Tuimaseve, with the first three of Waingakau Village’s 100-plus houses nearing completion. “Our western neighbourhood has some very strong key locations including Kimi Ora school, Te Aranga Marae, the community garden, and of course the brand-new housing development. It is about our people working together with our partners, including Council, central Government and education and health organisations, to ensure we have the best opportunities, especially for our rangitahi.”
The plan will be actioned by the Flaxmere Planning Committee, alongside the over-arching Flaxmere Community Plan. “It is about making sure we have the voices of all parts of our community involved in planning and development. We have had some great successes out of the Flaxmere Community Plan and it is time to take it up another level.”

More details of the Christmas Party and plan launch will be released as available; keep an eye on the @myflaxmere Facebook page.