flaxmere services
Totara Health
We offer a full service of healthcare including health checks, immunisations and health and wellbeing advice, for parents and guardians, to older people and youth. We are dedicated to providing the best possible care for our community in a safe, supportive environment.
Cnr Chatham and Caernarvon, Flaxmere
06 8739024
9.00am - 5.00pm
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga
TToH is a family-focused organisation working with whānau to achieve their goals and general wellbeing .
We support individuals, whānau and communities, creating holistic, personalised plans of care, support and development all backed up by strong administration and a progressive management team
821 Orchard Rd, Camberley
Age Concern Flaxmere
Accredited Visiting Service
Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Services
Steady As You Go©
Information Services
Total Mobility Scheme
Social Activities
In-home Support
Shopping Service
38 Bristol Cres, Flaxmere
Bay Sushi
Choices Medical Centre
Curry Flavour Indian Takeaway
Olive Tree
Flaxmere Fast Foods
Flaxmere Pharmacy
Flaxmere Liquor Ltd
Flaxmere Tavern
Flaxmere Village Dairy
Hollies Bakery
New World
St Vincent de Paul
Te Aka
Tommy's Takeaways
Learning Innovations Ltd
Flaxmere United Video
06 879 8288
06 879 5718
06 879 8984
06 879 4518
06 879 6100
06 879 5795
06 879 9880
06 879 7700
06 873 9027
06 879 9786
06 879 7114
06 879 9957
06 879 6438
06 879 9778
06 879 9645
06 879 6889
06 879 6945
1332 Omahu Road
60 Caenarvon Drive
220 Flaxmere Avenue
270 Flaxmere Avenue
16 Burton Crescent
Cnr Peterhead & Swansea Road
38 Bristol Crescent
1200 Omahu Road
Swansea Road
Church of the Way
Flaxmere Baptist Church
Flaxmere Christian Fellowship
Flaxmere Salvation Army
Cook Islands Christian Church
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Anglican Church
Ascend Global Church
Samoan Methodist Flaxmere
06 879 6434
06 879 8108
06 879 5588
06 879 5828
06 879 9664
027 3588246
06 879 7872
06 879 4790