Ts & Cs
Flaxmere Night Markets - General terms and conditions Only receipts from participating Flaxmere Village Shopping Centre outlets can be...

Here come Flaxmere’s night markets
It’s spring; we’re back to COVID Level 1; and we are ready for some fun and free stuff! There are a whole bunch of good reasons to hold...

Young mum entrepreneurs gunning for YES
It’s how many successful businesses start – finding the solution to a problem; but it is fair to say that most entrepreneurs are not...

Whanau Fun Day
8am-12pm - Familiy Activities 8am-10am - ParkRun 9am-11am - Ki-O-Rahi, Tug-o-War, Gutterboard, Disc Golf 10am-11am - Active Kaumatua...

Little garden centre doing big things
It is just amazing how many plants you can get in one backyard – just check out Brent and Seymond Harris’ set-up. The Flaxmere born and...

Celebrating the end of the 2019 school year Flaxmere-style
Our primary schools have wrapped up for the year, and there has been a lot of fun going on as they celebrated the year of hard work they...

Having free fun last Christmas
Hundreds have turned out to family-friendly pre-Christmas gatherings in Flaxmere over the last week or so. The first, organised by...
Driving success: one licence at a time
Te Atakura Huata-Harawira and Michelle Kingi are determined to help those who want to be legal on the road to get their driver’s licence....

Haere pai atu, hoki pai atu Louise; nō mātau koe i whakahōnore!
Preparing to leave Flaxmere College has been a very emotional time for principal of almost 10 years, Louise Anaru. “There were a lot of...