Having free fun last Christmas
Hundreds have turned out to family-friendly pre-Christmas gatherings in Flaxmere over the last week or so. The first, organised by...
Driving success: one licence at a time
Te Atakura Huata-Harawira and Michelle Kingi are determined to help those who want to be legal on the road to get their driver’s licence....

Haere pai atu, hoki pai atu Louise; nō mātau koe i whakahōnore!
Preparing to leave Flaxmere College has been a very emotional time for principal of almost 10 years, Louise Anaru. “There were a lot of...

Flaxmere teens heading out into the world
Teaching: Shakera Patuwai (above left) Shakera Patuwai (17) is rapt with her choice; she is off to EIT to start on a three-year Bachelor...

First Waingakau homes ready for living
Minister Nanaia Mahuta was in Flaxmere in December, to help celebrate the opening of the first of the Waingakau Village homes. Building...
Raranga classes have new home in Flaxmere
Learning the art of weaving, raranga, has a multitude of benefits, including connecting to wairua and tīpuna, and learning the tikanga...

The Samoan Cowboy here Friday
What a coup: Sam Ah Chookoon, aka The Samoan Cowboy, is flying into Hawke’s Bay to headline a massive fundraiser being put on to help...

Christmas planning underway
And just as well as it’s only seven weeks away! While details are yet to be finalised and will be released closer to the time, it will be...

Free insulation for Flaxmere homes – it’s a real thing!
Every home in Flaxmere can be warm and dry – no excuses. A scheme that provides free insulation to homeowners who live in their homes in...

First Waingakau homes almost ready
The first of the 124 homes in Flaxmere’s Waingakau Village are almost complete. The vision for the village, masterminded by Te Taiwhenua...