Bruce Grimshaw: a familiar Flaxmere face
June 2021 Bruce Grimshaw is a familiar face around Flaxmere; that’s because he has been around a while! The former policeman trod the...

They’re Legends and they have the medals to prove it
June 2021 What started nearly 30 years ago as a way to help Flaxmere rugby players get fit has just kept on growing. Basketball is...

Flaxmere Nourished for Nil keeps food out of landfill
Bringing food from Nourished for Nil in Hastings to Flaxmere every Saturday is proving very popular. Since early October the Nourished...

Homes for our people: Tarbet St update
Buying rules for the new homes on Tarbet St will help make sure the sections go to those most likely to need them. Buyers have to start...

It’s November night market time
The second Flaxmere night market is almost upon us – on December 17th , at the Flaxmere Village shopping centre from 5pm to 8pm. The...

Fantastic playground designed by kids for community
The incredibly special new playground at Kimi Ora Community School in Flaxmere is just buzzing with kids; playing, laughing and learning....

Young mum entrepreneurs gunning for YES
It’s how many successful businesses start – finding the solution to a problem; but it is fair to say that most entrepreneurs are not...

Whanau Fun Day
8am-12pm - Familiy Activities 8am-10am - ParkRun 9am-11am - Ki-O-Rahi, Tug-o-War, Gutterboard, Disc Golf 10am-11am - Active Kaumatua...

Little garden centre doing big things
It is just amazing how many plants you can get in one backyard – just check out Brent and Seymond Harris’ set-up. The Flaxmere born and...

Celebrating the end of the 2019 school year Flaxmere-style
Our primary schools have wrapped up for the year, and there has been a lot of fun going on as they celebrated the year of hard work they...