Fantastic playground designed by kids for community
The incredibly special new playground at Kimi Ora Community School in Flaxmere is just buzzing with kids; playing, laughing and learning....

Whanau Fun Day
8am-12pm - Familiy Activities 8am-10am - ParkRun 9am-11am - Ki-O-Rahi, Tug-o-War, Gutterboard, Disc Golf 10am-11am - Active Kaumatua...

Celebrating the end of the 2019 school year Flaxmere-style
Our primary schools have wrapped up for the year, and there has been a lot of fun going on as they celebrated the year of hard work they...

Having free fun last Christmas
Hundreds have turned out to family-friendly pre-Christmas gatherings in Flaxmere over the last week or so. The first, organised by...
Raranga classes have new home in Flaxmere
Learning the art of weaving, raranga, has a multitude of benefits, including connecting to wairua and tīpuna, and learning the tikanga...

Christmas planning underway
And just as well as it’s only seven weeks away! While details are yet to be finalised and will be released closer to the time, it will be...

Free insulation for Flaxmere homes – it’s a real thing!
Every home in Flaxmere can be warm and dry – no excuses. A scheme that provides free insulation to homeowners who live in their homes in...

First Waingakau homes almost ready
The first of the 124 homes in Flaxmere’s Waingakau Village are almost complete. The vision for the village, masterminded by Te Taiwhenua...

Polyfest is all about Pasifika pride and having fun
Hundreds of youngsters from 22 primary schools across Hastings and Napier celebrated Pasifika culture in September – putting on a...

Age Concern: 25 years on and still going strong
📷Lots has changed at Age Concern Flaxmere over the last 25 years, but the principles remain the same: a friendly place where older...