Hui pulls tradies together
April 2022 Alannah Smith (see: flaxmere.community/single-post/diggers-and-dozers-wahine-toa-running-the-show) was one of about 60...

Diggers and ’dozers: Wahine toa running the show
April 2022 Like many great business ideas, Flaxmere’s newest civil construction company started its life as a discussion around the...

Cherie Heeney: helping rangatahi plan for life
April 2022 ‘Inclusiveness’ is a word that comes easily to Flaxmere College deputy principal Cherie Heeney. “It’s about making sure...

Flaxmere College rebuild – students all but in
April 2022 Walking into the almost completely rebuilt Flaxmere College, the excitement in the air is obvious! The end of the rebuild is...

Honouring heroes with new street names
April 2022 The passion and aroha of eight Flaxmere heroes no longer with us will be forever remembered with the new streets in Flaxmere...

Building strong tamariki
August 2022 Cactus is back at Flaxmere College but with a new look and name: Te Vaka Māia: The Waka of Courage, incorporating cultural...