Hundreds of student-inspired trees going in
Planning Kimi Ora Community School’s new outdoor learning space has led to an unexpected community project for the school’s senior...

Weather doesn’t stop Irongate kids
That is the thing about weather; it can scuttle the best-laid plans. But in the case of Irongate School’s camp plans, weather on the west...

Matariki Coming Soon!
We are building up to Matariki – and to What’s on celebrate there will again be an amazing festival. Save the date: June 14; 5pm to 9m,...

New roof for architectural cop shop
She is nearly 30 years old, so it was time for her roof to get a little TLC. Over the last few weeks the Flaxmere Police Station has been...

Helping our families stay safe
A small group of women with big hearts, cool heads and lots of common sense have been tackling family violence and getting impressive...

New playground coming up
By the time Matariki arrives in early June our youngsters will be climbing the highest rope climb in the district. Work on an expansion...
Kimi kids planning great outdoors
It would be hard to find kids more excited than the youngsters at Flaxmere’s Kimi Ora Community School.📷 A $6 million rebuild of the...
Let’s vote: Make our voices count
While it might seem a long way away, it’s not too early to think about this year’s Council elections. On October 12 residents will vote...
Stateside trip for b’ballers
So, what was the best bit of a three-week trip to America for nine basketball-mad boys? The Nasa Space Station visit? Sightseeing in...
Getting the move on for seniors
There is plenty of energy in the room when a bunch of Flaxmere’s seniors get together for their Strength and Balance classes twice a...